Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What are all the readings telling us?

One common thread for all the readings is that they al discuss the importance of architecture vs generating and designing. How new technology pushes the limits of design, but also how it can drive design away from what it is orignally, designing to suit it's user and context. It's a fine line between generating design that can be transformed into a real/functional buliding and a building purely functioning on an aesthetic level. Maybe  if we are given more control and education in all these new technologies and programs can we start using them to generate architecture that is just not "pretty" put highly functional with the eventual users in mind.

Marita, 2010

Tutorial 22. April


Buildings are essential permanent so is the land which they stand. The land can change only slowly. Building should be built in harmony with surrounding context, but buildings must also belong to us (Williams, 2008)

Generating architecture rather then designing?

Tutorial 15. April_ week 7


Can animation, digital design tools cause architects to abandon the “regular” way of approaching architecture?

Digital animation more important then the original design process?

Also discussion the importance of how digital design tools can drive an architect from designing spaces functional for it purpose. In this case Function follows form. In real life architecture is based upon function and closely followed up by form.

Digital animation tools is originally design for other industries, how do this affect architecture designed with these tools?

Break the barriers to what is possible to build. The imagination of a design is stronger then

Enigmatic; how readers imagine the scenes they read in a book, that is fundamentally different to films

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bringing our Final Form in to Sketch-Up

Final Shape Created in Blender

This is the final Shape that we created in Blender. The experiment were conducted by Ariell, and is based upon placing empties on surrounding suburbs. Libby then took on the part of editing the shape and making it into a structure we could work with. I then imported this to sketch-up for further development

How to edit a shape made in Blender in a second 3d modeling program

This is the shape we had created in Blender, but the shape itself is not a building unless we make it into a building. Determining scale, materials & structure

We wanted to keep working on developing our idea as we believed that we could create something more interesting responding to what our abilities in Blender are.

We wanted to keep the smooth angled shape that connected building and site

We experienced that with bringing it in to another modeling program the structure of the shape changed. You could still recognize the form originally generated in Blender, but it had changed drastically. 

Part 2_final presentations_ What is a civic Space?

A great civic space gives back to the community. The space forms a part of peoples every day life, where people go to interact with each other. A well designed civic space relates back to the community and can bring the community together.

“When cities and neighborhoods have thriving civic spaces, residents have a strong sense of community; conversely, when such spaces are lacking, people may feel less connected to each other.” – Project for public spaces

The space should offer the users the opportunities to play, relax and enjoy themselves. And it can contribute to a healthy and thriving community. Offering cultural, economic and social benefits.

1. What is a great Civic Space?
2. Southwest Community Center Center

-Public Libraries
-Community centers “Community centers can be more than just buildings with an adjacent park; the whole facility, inside and outside, can be a community place.” – Project for public spaces
-Day care center

Community Center
-Park/play area
-Square for performance/events/markets
-Artist studios/dance studio/learning facilities/café/galleries space
-Ferry terminal area

Blender Experiments_Empties placed on Surrounding Water Valves

Blender Experiments_Empties placed on Surrounding Galleries

Blender Experiments_Empties placed on the path of the Sun

Blender Experiments_Empties placed on Surrounding Park areas

Creating a Terrain in Blender

Tutorial 1. of April


New technologies are developing faster then ever before, and so our perception about design changes accordingly.  Technology allow us to break old barriers that before existed in the built environment. This also shows in the initial design process where digital technology is becoming more and more valued.
The reading speaks of how users learn new softwares by repeated practise, but when you eventually learn to master the program you find it faults. Then you can then start to shape it to suit your requirements and then utilise the full potential of digital design.

Important in flexibility when using new digital technology

It looks at how technology used for design is becoming static in design firms where software is only used for documentation. It points out the importance of importing inventions from other disciplines to develop new design techniques. Designers should always look at adopting modeling software from other fields like from car producers. By implementing new techniques from a variety of different sources outside your own field you will find that technology becomes less constraining and it
Feedback loop between techniques, forms and user




Moving it in a different positions to the force fields

Tutorial 25th of March

"In contemporary architectural design, digital media is increasingly being used not as a representational tool for visualization but as a generative tool for the derivation of form and its transformation - the digital morphogenesis"

  • Design with mathematics. Will it then loose its sole? - Ariel
Nature is also based upon simple mathematics.

  • Nurbes: points that controls curve
  • Parametrics: exploring range of design possibilities within a prescribed set of parameters


Further modeling_simpel person_FAIL

In class assignment: Applying 'forcefilds' to a monkey head

 Moving the object to a different positions compared to selected 'forcefields

Tutorial 18th March

  • Design - less design
  • The designers hands remains tied
  • Computer programs take over the whole design process
  • As designer do you have to be more critical?
  • Where do this leave us as architects?

  • Less critical/more critical about the design?

  • Easier to create a design, but will we design buildings that are not suitable for its use? As the computer generates this form and design, we might loose the ability to look at it from a critical point of view. Even though the computer generated what looks like an awesome design it might not serve its purpose and comply with the space and place we are working with.

  • Only used as a guide

PPT for next tutorial with key points

Final Design
  • Freemind: mapping of ideas
 Install Phyton 2.6

1. Tutorial

Design 5
  • Google: CAP
  • Weekly readings: discuss review. Precis on wiki.
  • Put work on to wiki

  • Presentation: no small pictures, easy to read

Blender short Cuts
  • Rotate: green circle button
  • Tab: pink outline=edit mode
  • Right click to choose corner
  • G: grab
  • In object mode: press R to rotate . G to grab/move. S to scale
  • Undo: Control+z
  • Erase: X
  • R then enter number followed by x to turn f.e.k 90degrees
  • Space-forms
  • U- unwrap/texture
  • Control+up= full screen
  • Ctrl+z= undo

For next week

Wikibook/blender/model a simple person
Site analysis
Work Process on wiki

Generating a Person in Blender

Failed at generating a modified person.....